I'm having a hard time trying to come up with the words for the experience here at the Ashram....."Shin-bone" dog has taken a shining to me, no one will help him, and I'm advised not to touch him....My stomach is challenged by the water--boiled as it may be, and a baker's dozen of dark chocolate brown eyes continue to question my intentions (the cow-milker has one eye)...Though there's a deep sense of emptiness here, the understaffed community loves the children with big hearts and a life of service, and the damaged youngsters,(ages 6 weeks to 19 years), are full of appreciation for the little they've been dished-out this lifetime. My Rishikesh routine is now replaced with the "Haridwar" one----cow milking, baby rocking, shoe tying, study halling, face wiping, freesbie catching, hand holding, chapatti making, and trying to keep it together in the face of simultaneous suffering and joy.
Nothing like joining a kid on the floor at dinner, dipping our fingers in the rice and dal and discussing (in broken English) our favorite animals, sweets, and colors. The stockings will be stuffed with a Kit Kat, a comb, a trial size bottle of lotion, and a hat. Happy, Happy Holidays my fortunate friends.